Katrin is guided by a tenacious and creative intrepid spirit that navigates with eloquent certainty, inspiring and captivating the public that knows her work.
She is a tireless dreamer who constantly seeks communication and collaboration between artists who inspire her to navigate life in a simple way, yet full of questions that drive her creation, placing her priority in the effect her art generates in people.
German by origin, Katrin arrives in Mérida, Yucatán in 1990, after an academic residency in London, England, deciding to install her permanent residence in the city, attracted by the culture and human quality of the people, and the genuine feeling of connection with the artists from the region.
She becomes part of the community of photographers organizing the ´April - International Month of Photography´ Festival in Mérida every year, for 17 years.
In 1993 she founds the workshop-gallery ´Art and Design in Ceramics´, in Mérida, Yucatán. Between 2005-2011 she participates in courses and seminars with Gerardo Súter (photography and installation), Humberto Chávez Mayol (Semiotics) and Dr. Manuel Contreras (Lacanian psychoanalysis), among others.
In 2006, Katrin creats the ´Peanut project´ (´Proyecto cacahuate´: a multidisciplinary semiotic exploration and research project, presented at the Second International Pierceanian Semiotic Conference in Mérida, Yucatán), which puts her on the radar of the visual arts sector at a national level, placing her work as a benchmark for reflection and pleasure.
As an artist, she has held numerous individual and group exhibitions, and has obtained several national recognitions and awards.
In 2010, she founds TAKTO Design Group together with George Samuelson, artist and unique furniture designer from Mexico City and Valle de Bravo. Since 2015, TAKTO shares the NUUP colectiveo gallery and studio space located in Mérida, Yucatán, where clients from all over the world come in search of unique art and design pieces.
"My work is developed through research and exploration prompted by my deep curiosity about the mysteries of life, the perceptions of our mind, our awareness, the relationship between time and space, and communication.
In each of my themes, I let myself inspire by a specific life experienc, exploring its meaning and significance through a specifically created visual language.
During the last years, one of the central themes of my work is that of connection, I explore this subject from different angles and techniques.
I work in cycles."